LVII EXCEPT the heaven had come so n… So seemed to choose my door, The distance would not haunt me so… I had not hoped before.
322 There came a Day at Summer’s full… Entirely for me— I thought that such were for the… Where Resurrections—be—
459 A Tooth upon Our Peace The Peace cannot deface— Then Wherefore be the Tooth? To vitalize the Grace—
A slash of Blue— A sweep of Gray— Some scarlet patches on the way, Compose an Evening Sky— A little purple—slipped between—
The sky is low, the clouds are mea… A travelling flake of snow Across a barn or through a rut Debates if it will go. A narrow wind complains all day
859 A doubt if it be Us Assists the staggering Mind In an extremer Anguish Until it footing find.
On my volcano grows the Grass A meditative spot - An acre for a Bird to choose Would be the General thought - How red the Fire rocks below -
509 If anybody’s friend be dead It’s sharpest of the theme The thinking how they walked alive… At such and such a time—
861 Split the Lark—and you’ll find th… Bulb after Bulb, in Silver rolled… Scantilly dealt to the Summer Mor… Saved for your Ear when Lutes be…
146 On such a night, or such a night, Would anybody care If such a little figure Slipped quiet from its chair—
695 As if the Sea should part And show a further Sea— And that—a further—and the Three But a presumption be—
789 On a Columnar Self— How ample to rely In Tumult—or Extremity— How good the Certainty
628 They called me to the Window, for “ ’Twas Sunset”—Some one said— I only saw a Sapphire Farm— And just a Single Herd—
907 Till Death’—is narrow Loving’— The scantest Heart extant Will hold you till your privilege Of Finiteness’—be spent’—
So proud she was to die It made us all ashamed That what we cherished, so unknown To her desire seemed. So satisfied to go