It is an honorable thought, And makes one lift one’s hat, As one encountered gentlefolk Upon a daily street, That we’ve immortal place,
978 It bloomed and dropt, a Single No… The Flower—distinct and Red— I, passing, thought another Noon Another in its stead
A little Madness in the Spring Is wholesome even for the King, But God be with the Clown - Who ponders this tremendous scene… This whole Experiment of Green -
LXVI WHEN I hoped I feared, Since I hoped I dared; Everywhere alone As a church remain;
956 What shall I do when the Summer t… What, when the Rose is ripe— What when the Eggs fly off in Mus… From the Maple Keep?
872 As the Starved Maelstrom laps the… As the Vulture teased Forces the Broods in lonely Valle… As the Tiger eased
He fumbles at your spirit As players at the keys Before they drop full music on; He stuns you by degrees, Prepares your brittle substance
930 There is a June when Corn is cut And Roses in the Seed— A Summer briefer than the first But tenderer indeed
Growth of Man—like Growth of Nat… Gravitates within— Atmosphere, and Sun endorse it— Bit it stir—alone— Each—its difficult Ideal
Warm in her Hand these accents li… While faithful and afar The Grace so awkward for her sake Its fond subjection wear -
814 One Day is there of the Series Termed Thanksgiving Day. Celebrated part at Table Part in Memory.
I went to heaven,— ‘T was a small town, Lit with a ruby, Lathed with down. Stiller than the fields
519 ’Twas warm—at first—like Us— Until there crept upon A Chill—like frost upon a Glass— Till all the scene—be gone.
469 The Red—Blaze—is the Morning— The Violet—is Noon— The Yellow—Day—is falling— And after that—is none—
158 Dying! Dying in the night! Won’t somebody bring the light So I can see which way to go Into the everlasting snow?