413 I never felt at Home–Below– And in the Handsome Skies I shall not feel at Home–I know– I don’t like Paradise–
874 They won’t frown always—some sweet… When I forget to tease— They’ll recollect how cold I look… And how I just said “Please.”
730 Defrauded I a Butterfly— The lawful Heir—for Thee—
525 I think the Hemlock likes to stan… Upon a Marge of Snow— It suits his own Austerity— And satisfies an awe
Too cold is this To warm with Sun - Too stiff to bended be, To joint this Agate were a work - Outstaring Masonry -
400 A Tongue—to tell Him I am true! Its fee—to be of Gold— Had Nature—in Her monstrous Hous… A single Ragged Child—
How slow the Wind - how slow the sea - how late their Fathers be!
631 Ourselves were wed one summer—dear… Your Vision—was in June— And when Your little Lifetime fai… I wearied—too—of mine—
359 I gained it so— By Climbing slow— By Catching at the Twigs that gro… Between the Bliss—and me—
102 Great Caesar! Condescend The Daisy, to receive, Gathered by Cato’s Daughter, With your majestic leave!
682 ‘Twould ease—a Butterfly— Elate—a Bee— Thou’rt neither— Neither—thy capacity—
I saw the wind within her I knew it blew for me '— But she must buy my shelter I asked Humility
She could not live upon the Past The Present did not know her And so she sought this sweet at la… And nature gently owned her The mother that has not a knell
736 Have any like Myself Investigating March, New Houses on the Hill descried— And possibly a Church—
156 You love me—you are sure— I shall not fear mistake— I shall not cheated wake— Some grinning morn—