69 Low at my problem bending, Another problem comes— Larger than mine—Serener— Involving statelier sums.
732 She rose to His Requirement—dropt The Playthings of Her Life To take the honorable Work Of Woman, and of Wife—
97 The rainbow never tells me That gust and storm are by, Yet is she more convincing Than Philosophy.
86 South Winds jostle them— Bumblebees come— Hover—hesitate— Dri nk, and are gone—
The spider holds a Silver Ball In unperceived Hands— And dancing softly to Himself His Yarn of Pearl—unwinds— He plies from Nought to Nought—
624 Forever—it composed of Nows— ’Tis not a different time— Except for Infiniteness— And Latitude of Home—
The Hills in Purple syllables The Day’s Adventures tell To little Groups of Continents Just going Home from School.
817 Given in Marriage unto Thee Oh thou Celestial Host— Bride of the Father and the Son Bride of the Holy Ghost.
After great pain a formal feeling… The nerves sit ceremonious like to… The stiff Heart questions—was it… And yesterday—or centuries before? The feet, mechanical, go round
516 Beauty—be not caused—It Is— Chase it, and it ceases— Chase it not, and it abides— Overtake the Creases
XCIX THERE is no frigate like a book To take us lands away, Nor any coursers like a page Of prancing poetry.
634 You’ll know Her—by Her Foot— The smallest Gamboge Hand With Fingers—where the Toes shoul… Would more affront the Sand—
There comes a warning like a spy A shorter breath of Day A stealing that is not a stealth And Summers are away
980 Purple—is fashionable twice— This season of the year, And when a soul perceives itself To be an Emperor.
518 Her sweet Weight on my Heart a N… Had scarcely deigned to lie— When, stirring, for Belief’s deli… My Bride had slipped away—