If ever the lid gets off my head And lets the brain away The fellow will go where he belong… Without a hint from me, And the world– if the world be lo…
164 Mama never forgets her birds, Though in another tree— She looks down just as often And just as tenderly
849 The good Will of a Flower The Man who would possess Must first present Certificate
893 Drab Habitation of Whom? Tabernacle or Tomb— Or Dome of Worm— Or Porch of Gnome—
They dropped like flakes, they dro… Like petals from a rose, When suddenly across the lune A wind with fingers goes. They perished in the seamless gras…
XXIX THE nearest dream recedes, unreal… The heaven we chase Like the June bee Before the school—boy
348 I would not paint—a picture— I’d rather be the One It’s bright impossibility To dwell—delicious—on—
83 Heart, not so heavy as mine Wending late home— As it passed my window Whistled itself a tune—
Image of Light, Adieu - Thanks for the interview - So long– so short – Preceptor of the whole - Coeval Cardinal -
Part One: Life LIII GOD gave a loaf to every bird, But just a crumb to me; I dare not eat it, though I starv…
195 For this—accepted Breath— Through it—compete with Death— The fellow cannot touch this Crow… By it—my title take—
Dying at my music! Bubble! Bubble! Hold me till the Octave’s run! Quick! Burst the Windows! Ritardando!
637 The Child’s faith is new— Whole—like His Principle— Wide—like the Sunrise On fresh Eyes—
59 A little East of Jordan, Evangelists record, A Gymnast and an Angel Did wrestle long and hard—
597 It always felt to me—a wrong To that Old Moses—done— To let him see—the Canaan— Without the entering—