I breathed enough to learn the tri… And now, removed from air, I simulate the breath so well, That one, to be quite sure The lungs are stirless, must desce…
895 A Cloud withdrew from the Sky Superior Glory be But that Cloud and its Auxiliarie… Are forever lost to me
833 Perhaps you think me stooping I’m not ashamed of that Christ—stooped until He touched t… Do those at Sacrament
817 Given in Marriage unto Thee Oh thou Celestial Host— Bride of the Father and the Son Bride of the Holy Ghost.
315 He fumbles at your Soul As Players at the Keys Before they drop full Music on— He stuns you by degrees—
Image of Light, Adieu - Thanks for the interview - So long– so short – Preceptor of the whole - Coeval Cardinal -
503 Better—than Music! For I—who hea… I was used—to the Birds—before— This—was different—’Twas Translat… Of all tunes I knew—and more—
44 If she had been the Mistletoe And I had been the Rose— How gay upon your table My velvet life to close—
620 It makes no difference abroad— The Seasons—fit—the same— The Mornings blossom into Noons— And split their Pods of Flame—
353 A happy lip—breaks sudden— It doesn’t state you how It contemplated—smiling— Just consummated—now—
Warm in her Hand these accents li… While faithful and afar The Grace so awkward for her sake Its fond subjection wear -
774 It is a lonesome Glee— Yet sanctifies the Mind— With fair association— Afar upon the Wind
902 The first Day that I was a Life I recollect it—How still— That last Day that I was a Life I recollect it—as well—
974 The Soul’s distinct connection With immortality Is best disclosed by Danger Or quick Calamity—
An everywhere of silver, With ropes of sand To keep it from effacing The track called land.