Not any sunny tone From any fervent zone Find entrance there - Better a grave of Balm Toward human nature’s home -
261 Put up my lute! What of—my Music! Since the sole ear I cared to cha… Passive—as Granite—laps My Music…
934 That is solemn we have ended Be it but a Play Or a Glee among the Garret Or a Holiday
159 A little bread—a crust—a crumb— A little trust—a demijohn— Can keep the soul alive— Not portly, mind! but breathing—wa…
Is it too late to touch you, Dear… We this moment knew - Love Marine and Love terrene - Love celestial too -
271 A solemn thing—it was—I said— A woman—white—to be— And wear—if God should count me f… Her blameless mystery—
Air has no Residence, no Neighbor… No Ear, no Door, No Apprehension of Another Oh, Happy Air! Ethereal Guest at e’en an Outcast…
329 So glad we are—a Stranger’d deem ’Twas sorry, that we were— For where the Holiday should be There publishes a Tear—
208 The Rose did caper on her cheek— Her Bodice rose and fell— Her pretty speech—like drunken men… Did stagger pitiful—
63 If pain for peace prepares Lo, what “Augustan” years Our feet await! If springs from winter rise,
463 I live with Him — I see His face… I go no more away For Visitor — or Sundown — Death's single privacy
835 Nature and God—I neither knew Yet Both so well knew me They startled, like Executors Of My identity.
By homely gift and hindered Words The human heart is told Of Nothing - ‘Nothing’ is the force That renovates the World -
819 All I may, if small, Do it not display Larger for the Totalness— ’Tis Economy
We grow accustomed to the Dark - When light is put away - As when the Neighbor holds the La… To witness her Goodbye - A Moment - We uncertain step