975 The Mountain sat upon the Plain In his tremendous Chair— His observation omnifold, His inquest, everywhere—
851 When the Astronomer stops seeking For his Pleiad’s Face— When the lone British Lady Forsakes the Arctic Race
469 The Red—Blaze—is the Morning— The Violet—is Noon— The Yellow—Day—is falling— And after that—is none—
453 Love — thou art high — I cannot climb thee — But, were it Two — Who knows but we —
A narrow fellow in the grass Occasionally rides; You may have met him,—did you not, His notice sudden is. The grass divides as with a comb,
282 How noteless Men, and Pleiads, st… Until a sudden sky Reveals the fact that One is rapt Forever from the Eye—
A light exists in spring Not present on the year At any other period. When March is scarcely here A color stands abroad
569 I reckon—when I count it all— First—Poets—Then the Sun— Then Summer—Then the Heaven of G… And then—the List is done—
594 The Battle fought between the Sou… And No Man—is the One Of all the Battles prevalent— By far the Greater One—
There is no Silence in the Earth… As that endured Which uttered, would discourage N… And haunt the World.
Whether they have forgotten Or are forgetting now Or never remembered - Safer not to know - Miseries of conjecture
The earth has many keys, Where melody is not Is the unknown peninsula. Beauty is nature’s fact. But witness for her land,
Success is counted sweetest By those who ne’er succeed. To comprehend a nectar Requires sorest need. Not one of all the purple Host
901 Sweet, to have had them lost For news that they be saved— The nearer they departed Us The nearer they, restored,
The Face we choose to miss - Be it but for a Day As absent as a Hundred Years, When it has rode away.