#Americans #Women #1914 #PoemsOfCheer
Be not dismayed, be not dismayed w… Sets its white seal upon some wors… Poor human nature for a little spa… Must suffer anguish, when that las… Leaves such long silence; but let…
Oh, an ugly thing is an iron rail, Black, with its face to the dust. But it carries a message where win… It crosses the mountains, and catc… While the winds and the sea make s…
Let me look always forward. Never… Was I not formed for progress? Ot… With onward pointing feet and sear… Would God have set me squarely on… Up which we all must labour with l…
I said this morning, as I leaned… My shutters open to the Spring’s… ‘Tell me, O Earth, how is it that… Year after year the same fresh fee… How do you keep your young exultan…
Who travels alone with his eyes on… Though he laughs in the day time o… For courage goes down at the set o… When the toil of the journey is al… He speeds but to grief though full…
We two make home of any place we g… We two find joy in any kind of wea… Or if the earth is clothed in bloo… If summer days invite, or bleak wi… What matters it if we two are toge…
Oh! the maidens of France are cer… And I think every fellow will sta… That the 'what-you-may-call-it’ co… They put up their hair is great! And they know how to dress, and th…
When night hung low and dew fell d… There fell athwart the shadows The gleaming watchfires of the cam… Like glow-worms on the meadows. The sentinel his measured beat
You will be what you will to be; Let failure find its false content In that poor word “environment,” But spirit scorns it, and is free. It masters time, it conquers space…
All wondering, and eager-eyed, wit… I made my plea to Hostess Life, o… “Pray show me this great house of… But let me wander where I will, a… For many rooms, and curious things…
The Day has never understood the… Though sired by one Creative Powe… The White Man ever fails to read… Though from the self-same Source… So deep and wide, the Great Divid…
I am a river flowing from God’s s… Through devious ways. He mapped m… I cannot change it; mine alone the… To keep the waters free from grime… The winding river ends where it be…
Don’t drink, boys, don’t! There is nothing of happiness, ple… In brandy, in whiskey, in rum, ale… If they cheer you when drunk, you… In headaches and crossness the fol…
Seeking for happiness we must go s… The road leads not down avenues of… But often gently winds through by… Whose hidden pleasures are serene… Seeking for happiness we must take…
Most blest is he who in the mornin… Sets forth upon his journey with n… Shaped by another for his use. W… The imminent necessity for toil, And with each morning wakens to th…