#Americans #Women #PoemsOfPower
Wherever the white man’s feet have… (Oh far does the white man stray) A bold road rifles the virginal so… And the forest wakes out of its dr… To yield him the right of way.
A trusting little leaf of green, A bold audacious frost; A rendezvous, a kiss or two, And youth for ever lost. Ah, me!
Build on resolve, and not upon reg… The structure of thy future. Do… Among the shadows of old sins, but… Thine own soul’s light shine on th… And dissipate the darkness. Wast…
Last night I saw Helena. She wh… Of late all men have sounded. Sh… Young Angus rashly sought a silen… Rather than live without her all h… Wise men go mad who look upon her…
Sit still, I say, and dispense wi… I hurt your wrists? Well, you hav… It is time you found out that all… Nor toys to be used as your mood m… I will not let go of your hands, n…
I and my Soul are alone to-day, All in the shining weather; We were sick of the world, and put… So we could rejoice together. Our host, the Sun, in the blue, b…
The four winds of earth, the Nort… Shrieked and groaned, sobbed and w… I stood in the dusk of the twiligh… And heard them go by with a terrib… ‘What is it, O winds! that is gri…
O Science, reaching backward thro… Most earnest child of God, Exposing all the secrets of existe… With thy divining rod, I bid thee speed up to the heights…
In the face of the sun are great t… And the storm-clouds have shut out… But a Rainbow of Promise now shin… And the universe thrills at the si… Tis the flag of our Union, the re…
Why do we pity those who weep? Th… That finds a ready outlet in the f… Of salt and bitter tears is blesse… And does not need our sympathies.… But fits the shorn field for new y…
Oh, I have dreams. I sometimes d… In the full meaning of that splend… Its subtle music which few men hav… Though all may hear it, sounding t… Its mountain heights by mystic bre…
There was a fair green garden slop… From the south-east side of the mo… And the earliest tint of the dawn… Down through its paths, from the d… The bluest skies and the reddest r…
In Memory’s Mansion are wonderful… And I wander about them at will; And I pause at the casements, whe… Are sending sweet scents o’er the… I lean from a window that looks on…
“All that I ask,” says Love, “is… And gaze, unchided, deep in thy de… For in their depths lies largest… Yet, if perchance one pressure of… Be granted me, then joy I thought…
O mother who sips sweetened liquor… Look down at the child on your bre… Think, think of the rough path bef… And ask yourself then, ‘Is it bes… Shall I foster a love for this po…