Ella Wheeler Wilcox

The Ocean of Song

In a land beyond sight or conceiving,
  In a land where no blight is, no wrong,
No darkness, no graves, and no grieving,
  There lies the great ocean of song.
And its waves, oh, its waves unbeholden
  By any save gods, and their kind,
Are not blue, are not green, but are golden,
  Like moonlight and sunlight combined.
It was whispered to me that their waters
  Were made from the gathered-up tears
That were wept by the sons and the daughters
  Of long-vanished eras and spheres.
Like white sands of heaven the spray is
  That falls all the happy day long,
And whoever it touches straightway is
  Made glad with the spirit of song.
Up, up to the clouds where their hoary
  Crowned heads melt away in the skies,
The beautiful mountains of glory
  Each side of the song-ocean rise.
Here day is one splendour of sky-light—
  Of God’s light with beauty replete.
Here night is not night, but is twilight,
  Pervading, enfolding, and sweet.
Bright birds from all climes and all regions,
  That sing the whole glad summer long,
Are dumb, till they flock here in legions
  And lave in the ocean of song.
It is here that the four winds of heaven,
  The winds that do sing and rejoice,
It is here they first came and were given
  The secret of sound and a voice.
Far down along beautiful beeches,
  By night and by glorious day,
The throng of the gifted ones reaches,
  Their foreheads made white with the spray,
And a few of the sons and the daughters
  Of this kingdom, cloud-hidden from sight,
Go down in the wonderful waters,
  And bathe in those billows of light.
And their souls evermore are like fountains,
  And liquid and lucent and strong,
High over the tops of the mountains
  Gush up the sweet billows of song.
No drouth-time of waters can dry them.
  Whoever has bathed in that sea,
All dangers, all deaths, they defy them,
  And are gladder than gods are, with glee.
Otras obras de Ella Wheeler Wilcox...
