
**Ode to the Almighty Father**

Oh, Father, Almighty and Supreme,
Your love and grace, a guiding beam.
For all your blessings, we give thanks,
Your presence fills our hearts with banks.
You watch over us with tender care,
Protecting us from every snare.
Your wisdom guides our every step,
Your love sustains us when we fret.
Through trials and tribulations’ night,
You are our refuge, our guiding light.
Your words of comfort soothe our pain,
Your presence brings us joy again.
For life and breath, we owe it all
To you, our Father, we enthrall.
Your love has shaped us, made us whole,
A testament to your divine soul.
We strive to live in your embrace,
To follow in your footsteps’ grace.
To honor you with all our might,
And spread your love with all our light.
Thank you, Father, for your boundless grace,
Your love and mercy, an eternal chase.
May we forever sing your praise,
And bask in your glory’s endless days.
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