america i have given you my 20s and my 30s on the shark tank,
i have lived inside the walls that i voluntarily put up around myself,
ninety hours a week week after week maybe christmas off maybe new years off
i have imprisoned myself in your riches chancing a dream of keep up with the joneses
but america i have spent so much time within your office walls that
i don’t even know the names of the neighbors that i am trying to keep pace with,
who am i kidding i mean be more than keep up with–
earn and extract more than–
have more than–
be admired for a house more than–
be greater be greater be greater than them,
all of them.
i smash on wall street or any street
with my choice and their lack of choice.
i rise above taller like the vanished buildings of 9/11
i come back always.
so much more upside under my motorized and
social media weaponized visions of myself
as the great hedger and millionaire servant,
that i do not even have time to spend time in most of the rooms
of my mansions worries me so much that i have to pay the slaves to dust
and i’m getting so rich that the masterpieces around me diminish with age.
american i am in the highest tax bracket and the president called me greedy
in the state of the union address because i thought that the almost 50% of my
hard fought income was spent dropping bombs and young men and bags of grain
into nations filled will most illiterate people who don’t know anything about
how lucky i am to live inside office walls.
yes mr. president-thank you for taking half of my money and waging war with it,
you have forced the blood of the innocent to be on my hands too.
i hate that you spend in my name but you don’t know my name and never will,
i profit off every damn thing you say
i am smart enough to profit off any action taken by stupid puppets,
i know how to manufacture any type of puppet on earth
stuffing more stuffing
eyes that show nothing and fake outsides and suits.
america i grow rich off every that happens
up and down and right and left you can’t stop me from leveraging and knowing
where to place it in the big scheme?