#English #Victorians
A was once an ant, Tiny, Busy, Speedy, Shiny
Cold are the crabs that crawl on y… Colder the cucumbers that grow ben… And colder still the brazen chops… The tedious gloom of philosophic p… For when the tardy film of nectar…
There was an Old Person of Spart… Who had twenty-one sons and one 'd… He fed them on snails, And weighed them in scales, That wonderful Person of Sparta.
There was an old person of Nice, Whose associates were usually Gee… They walked out together, in all s… That affable person of Nice!
There was an Ol Man of Quebec, A beetle ran over his neck; But he cried, 'With a needle, I’ll slay you, O beadle!' That angry Old Man of Quebec.
There was an Old Man of the West… Who wore a pale plum-coloured vest… When they said, ‘Does it fit?’ He replied, ‘Not a bit!’ That uneasy Old Man of the West.
On the Coast of Coromandel Where the early pumpkins blow, In the middle of the woods Lived the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bo. Two old chairs, and half a candle,
There was an old person of Troy, Whose drink was warm brandy and so… Which he took with a spoon, By the light of the moon, In sight of the city of Troy.
There was an Old Person of Wick, Who said, ‘Tick-a-Tick, Tick-a-T… Chickabee, Chickabaw.’ And he said nothing more, That laconic Old Person of Wick
Said the Table to the Chair, ‘You can hardly be aware, ’How I suffer from the heat, ‘And from chilblains on my feet! ’If we took a little walk,
There was a Young Lady of Lucca, Whose lovers completely forsook he… She ran up a tree, And said, ‘Fiddle-de-dee!’ Which embarassed the people of Lu…
There was an Old Man of Whitehav… Who danced a quadrille with a rave… But they said, 'It’s absurd To encourage this bird!' So they smashed that Old Man of…
There was a Young Girl of Majorc… Whose aunt was a very fast walker; She walked seventy miles, And leaped fifteen stiles, Which astonished that Girl of Maj…
There was an Old Man of th’ Abru… So blind that he couldn’t his foot… When they said, 'That’s your toe,… He replied, ‘Is it so?’ That doubtful Old Man of th’ Abr…
There was an Old Man of the Wrek… Whose shoes made a horrible creaki… But they said, ‘Tell us whether, Your shoes are of leather, Or of what, you Old Man of the W…