#EnglishWriters #VictorianWriters
On the Coast of Coromandel Where the early pumpkins blow, In the middle of the woods Lived the Yonghy-Bonghy-Bò. Two old chairs, and half a candle,…
There was an Old Person of Bango… Whose face was distorted with ange… He tore off his boots, And subsisted on roots, That irascible Person of Bangor.
There was an Old Man of Calcutta… Who perpetually ate bread and butt… Till a great bit of muffin, On which he was stuffing, Choked that horrid Old Man of Ca…
She sate upon her Dobie, To watch the Evening Star, And all the Punkahs, as they pass… Cried, “My! how fair you are!” Around her bower, with quivering l…
There was an Old Man of the East… Who gave all his children a feast; But they all ate so much And their conduct was such That it killed that Old Man of th…
center A was once an apple pie, Pidy Widy Tidy
The Pobble who has no toes Had once as many as we; When they said, “Some day you may… He replied, “Fish fiddle de-dee!” And his Aunt Jobiska made him dri…
There was a Young Person of Smyr… Whose Grandmother threatened to b… But she seized on the cat, And said, ‘Granny, burn that! You incongruous Old Woman of Smy…
There was an Old Person of Tarta… Who divided his jugular artery; But he screeched to his wife, And she said, ‘Oh, my life! Your death will be felt by all Ta…
There was an Old Person of Spart… Who had twenty-one sons and one 'd… He fed them on snails, And weighed them in scales, That wonderful Person of Sparta.
There was a Young Lady of Wales, Who caught a large fish without sc… When she lifted her hook She exclaimed, ‘Only look!’ That ecstatic Young Lady of Wale…
There was an Old Man on some rock… Who shut his wife up in a box; When she said, ‘Let me out!’ He exclaimed, ‘Without doubt, You will pass all your life in tha…
There was an Old Man who, when li… Fell casually into a Kettle; But, growing too stout, He could never get out, So he passed all his life in that…
There was an Old Man of the West… Who wore a pale plum-coloured vest… When they said, ‘Does it fit?’ He replied, ‘Not a bit!’ That uneasy Old Man of the West.
There was an old man whose despair Induced him to purchase a hare: Whereon one fine day, He rode wholly away, Which partly assuaged his despair.