#English #XXCentury
The kids are out-of-doors once mor… The heavy leggins that they wore, The winter caps that covered ears Are put away, and no more tears Are shed because they cannot go
None knows the day that friends mu… None knows how near is sorrow; If there be laughter in your heart… Don’t hold it for to-morrow. Smile all the smiles you can to-da…
Never a sigh for the cares that sh… Never a thought of the joys that f… Her one regret that she couldn’t d… Thoughtless and selfish, her Mast… Oh, the long nights that she came…
The men are talking peace at ‘ome,… There’s many a little debt we’ve g… A sniper sent a bullet through my… And ’is body’s lying somewhere h’o… Oh, we 'ear a lot of rumors that t…
IT’S HO for the holly and laught… It 's ho for the mistletoe bough i… Was ever a season so jolly as this… No, this is the jolliest one of th… The season of loving and giving an…
Show me the boy who never threw A stone at someone’s cat; Or never hurled a snowball swift At someone’s high silk hat. Who never ran away from school,
Life is a struggle for peace, A longing for rest, A hope for the battles to cease, A dream for the best; And he is not living who stays
Life is a jest; Take the delight of it. Laughter is best; Sing through the night of it. Swiftly the tear
The dreams of youth are fairest, The dreams of youth are rarest; The dreams of youth are brighter Than the dreams we’ll know again. Hope is the fairy weaver
I’d like to be a boy again, a care… I’d like to tread the hills and da… I’d like the tattered shirt again,… The ugly, dusty feet again that lo… I’d like to play first base again,…
The roads of happiness are not The selfish roads of pleasure seek… Where cheeks are flushed with hast… And none has time for kindly speak… But they’re the roads where lovers…
A feller isn’t thinkin’ mean, Out fishin’; His thoughts are mostly good an’ c… Out fishin’. He doesn’t knock his fellow men.,
I’d like to think when life is don… That I had filled a needed post. That here and there I’d paid my f… With more than idle talk and boast… That I had taken gifts divine.
I CAN stand for the man with the… On the back of his green colored h… For there are a lot of good fellow… Who somehow have fallen for that. The fedora of plush is a lid I do…
The sumac’s flaming scarlet on the… An’ the pear trees are invitin’ ev… Now the gorgeous tints of autumn a… Till it seems that you can almost… There’s a solemn sort o’ stillness…