#English #XXCentury
If you would know a happy man, Go find the fellow who Has had a bout with trouble grim And just come smiling through. The load is off his shoulders now,
This year,' said Pa, on New Year… I’m sick and tired of ending years… I’m sick and tired of spending coi… This year we’re going to save some… Ma didn’t say a word right then, a…
We’re hiking along at a two-forty… We ‘re making life seem like a man… With our nerves all on edge and ou… We go rushing along; with our brow… And our cheeks pale and drawn ever…
My father often used to say: 'My boy don’t throw a thing away: You’ll find a use for it some day.… So in a box he stored up things, Bent nails, old washers, pipes and…
An auto is a helpful thing; I love the way the motor hums, I love each cushion and each sprin… The way it goes, the way it comes; It saves me many a dreary mile,
I’D rather be considered dull Than use my brain denouncing thing… I’d rather not be critical And utter words that carry stings. I’d rather never speak at all
I’ve tried the high-toned speciali… I’ve heard the throat man whisper… I’ve sat in fancy offices and wait… And paid for fifteen minutes what… But while these scientific men are…
You don’t begrudge the labor when… You don’t recall the dreary days t… You don’t recall a single care You spent upon the garden there; And all the toil
Strange thoughts come to the man a… ’Tis then, if ever, he talks with… And views himself as a single clod In the soil of life where the soul… ’Tis then he questions the why and…
THE dream ship is ready, the sea… And the fairy prince waits in comm… There’s a cargo of wonderful dream… For the baby that seeks Slumberla… There are fairies in pink and good…
A boy and his dad on a fishing tri… There is a glorious fellowship! Father and son and the open sky, And the white clouds lazily drifti… And the laughing stream as it runs…
A touch of the plain and the prair… A bit of the Motherland, too; A strain of the fur-trapper wary, A blend of the old and the new; A bit of the pioneer splendor
How fine it is at night to say: ‘I have not wronged a soul to-day. I have not by a word or deed, In any breast sowed anger’s seed, Or caused a fellow being pain;
Last night Ma said to Pa: 'My de… The Williamsons are coming here To visit for a week or two, An’ I must have a talk with you. We need some things which we must…
Adown the lanes of memory bloom al… And looking back we smile to see l… The little sprigs of mignonette th… The pansy and the violet, too swee… The gentle mother by the door care…