#English #XXCentury
Ain’t no use as I can see In sittin’ underneath a tree An’ growlin’ that your luck is bad… An’ that your life is extry sad; Your life ain’t sadder than your n…
The great were once as you. They whom men magnify to-day Once groped and blundered on life’… Were fearful of themselves, and th… By magic was men’s greatness wroug…
I LIKE the dream days best of al… The hollyhocks against the wall; The rambler roses blushing red, The blue skies bending overhead, With just enough of summer breeze
HE died a poor man, so they say, Few were the dollars stored away By him while he lived, and yet His memory I’ll not forget. A spendthrift! True, but not for…
When I was young and frivolous an… When I was always doing wrong, or… When I was just a lad of seven an… It seemed to me that every day I… And strangers used to shake their…
I am selfish in my wishin’ every s… I am selfish when I tell you that… Bending o’er you every minute, and… An’ as much of love an’ gladness a… Coz I know beyond all question th…
Comes in flying from the street; 'Where’s Mamma?’ Friend or stranger thus he’ll gree… 'Where’s Mamma?’ Doesn’t want to say hello,
The world’s too busy now to pause To listen to a whiner’s cause; It has no time to stop and pet The sulker in a peevish fret, Who wails he’ll neither work nor p…
Because it rains when we wish it w… Because men do what they often sho… Because crops fail, and plans go w… Some of us grumble all day long. But somehow, in spite of the care…
I’m not the man to say that failur… Nor tell a chap to laugh when thin… I know it hurts to have to take de… An’ no one likes to lose before a… It isn’t very pleasant not to win
There are different kinds of heroe… They get their pictures printed, a… There are heroes known to glory th… In the service of their country an… There are brave men in the trenche…
Pinker than the roses that enrich… Splashing in the bath tub or just… Nothing in the skies above or eart… As fascinating to me as a baby’s l… Every toe a rosebud, on a chubby,…
Queerest little chap he is, Always saying: ‘Aw Gee Whiz!’ Needing something from the store That you’ve got to send him for And you call him from his play,
If I knew a better country in thi… Where a man’s work hours are short… If the Briton or the Frenchman ha… I’d pack my goods this minute and… But I notice when an alien wants…
I KNOW the rose will bloom again As soon as it is June, The robin will return by then To sing his merry tune. I know the wintry cold will pass,