#English #XXCentury
I must get out to the woods again,… awing, Away from the haunts of pale-faced… is king; I must get out where the skies are…
If you would please me when I’ve… Let not your grief embitter you.… Turn with full courage from my mou… And smile upon the children at the… Let them make merry in their usual…
JUST to do the little things And do them well from day to day, Enough of satisfaction brings To those who tread the simple way; To make the striving here worth wh…
What do I want my boy to be? Oft is the question asked of me, And oft I ask it of myself– What corner, niche or post or shel… In the great hall of life would I
I have known the green trees and t… And the blossoms of spring and the… I have known the blue sea, and the… And the song of the pines and the… And should I pass now, I could sa…
H’it’s h’easy to be 'appy, Don’t you know; There’s no sense in being snappy, Don’t you know; Wot’s the use h’of being grumpy,
You may delve down to rock for you… You may go with your steel to the… You may purchase the best of the t… And the finest of workmanship buy; You may line with the rarest of ma…
Show me the boy who never threw A stone at someone’s cat; Or never hurled a snowball swift At someone’s high silk hat. Who never ran away from school,
The dreams of youth are fairest, The dreams of youth are rarest; The dreams of youth are brighter Than the dreams we’ll know again. Hope is the fairy weaver
Let every day be Mother’s Day! Make roses grow along her way And beauty everywhere. Oh, never let her eyes be wet With tears of sorrow or regret,
Adown the lanes of memory bloom al… And looking back we smile to see l… The little sprigs of mignonette th… The pansy and the violet, too swee… The gentle mother by the door care…
Out in the woods with a dog an’ gu… Is my idea of a real day’s fun. ‘Tain’t the birds that I’m out to… That furnish me with the finest th… ‘Cause I never worry or fret a lo…
IT is well enough to cheer for th… It is fine to praise the brother w… But don’t keep your kind words alw… For the boy who really needs them… Give a cheer when men deserve it,…
They have said you needn’t go to t… They have left you with your women… They have spared you from the cras… And the horrors and the madness an… But it’s your fight, just the same…
Figure it out for yourself, my lad… You’re all that the greatest of me… Two arms, two hands, two legs, two… And a brain to use if you would be… With this equipment we all began,