#English #XXCentury
I’ve watched him change from his b… To little frocks, and later on I… And though it was of calico, those… Until the day we all agreed ’twas… I say I’ve seen the changes come,…
Last night I got to thinkin’ of t… When I still had on knee breeches… An’ my Sunday suit was velvet. Ma… But I know I didn’t like it—eithe… It was far too girlish for me, for…
Green apple time! an’, Oh, the jo… Once more to be a healthy boy, Casting a longin’ greedy eye At every tree he passes by! Riskin’ the direst consequence
The child world is a wondrous worl… For there the flags of hate are fu… And there the imps of wickedness Cause neither sorrow nor distress. And there is never strife for gold…
“NEVER again,' said Mrs. Green,… ‘Never again will I think one hou… Never again will I go away with a… I’ve had a month of that game this… ‘I fried the fish and I stood all…
The patter of rain on the roof, The glint of the sun on the rose; Of life, these the warp and the wo… The weaving that everyone knows. Now grief with its consequent tear…
Who is it lives to the full every… Gets all the joy and the fun that… Tough as they make 'em, and ready… Fit for a battle and fit for a cha… Heedless of buttons on blouses and…
SHE wants to go unto the shore, And pack her trunk With gowns no one has seen before, And all such junk. But I would seek some far off pla…
MAY all your little cares depart By which your heart is troubled; May perfect peace supplant the sma… And all your joys be doubled. May every wish you have come true,
It is better to die for the flag, For its red and its white and its… Than to hang back and shirk and to… And let the flag sink out of view. It is better to give up this life
Get to understand the lad– He’s not eager to be bad; If the right he always knew, He would be as old as you. Were he now exceeding wise,
Seems only just a year ago that he… In pretty little colored suits and… I used to hold him in my arms to w… And now tonight he tells me that h… It seems but yesterday, I vow, th…
The men are talking peace at ‘ome,… There’s many a little debt we’ve g… A sniper sent a bullet through my… And ’is body’s lying somewhere h’o… Oh, we 'ear a lot of rumors that t…
The happiest nights I ever know Are those when I’ve No place to go, And the missus says
I’M not kicking on expenses, now… I will buy chiffon and laces till… Sure her dress for graduation shal… Of the masses who behold her; it s… She shall even carry roses, when h…