#English #XXCentury
IN parting from a dear old friend… There’s bound to be some bitter so… An’ as a rule, the lovin’ ones wil… The station, softly cry in’ while… Oh, it’s so hard to say good-bye,…
The other night 'bout two o’clock,… An elephant with shining tusks cam… His trunk was wavin’ in the air an… An’ he was out to eat me up, but s… Or let him see that I was scared…
The roads of happiness are not The selfish roads of pleasure seek… Where cheeks are flushed with hast… And none has time for kindly speak… But they’re the roads where lovers…
You ought to be fine for the sake… Who think you are fine. If others have faith in you doubly… To stick to the line. It’s not only on you that dishonor…
Most folks, as I’ve noticed, in p… Are always expecting too much out… They wail an’ they fret Just because they don’t get The best o’ the sunshine, the fair…
HE took off his hat to the woman… But he wouldn’t do that for his wi… He picked up the handkerchief drop… But he wouldn’t do that for his wi… He ran for a chair when a fair mai…
He spent what he made, or he gave… Tried to save money, and would for… Started a bank-account time an’ ag… Got a hundred or so for a nest egg… Some fellow that needed it more th…
HE’D made a fortune out of stocks… He 'd hoarded up a store of gold,… But still he sighed alone and talk… And mentioned to his dearest frien… Within his mansion big and warm he…
Under the roof where the laughter… That’s where I long to be; There are all of the glorious thin… Meaning so much to me. There is where striving and toilin…
I look into the faces of the peopl… The glad ones and the sad ones, an… And I wonder why the sorrow or th… But the pale and weary faces are t… I saw a face this morning, and tim…
If this were all of life we’ll kno… If this brief space of breath Were all there is to human toil, If death were really death, And never should the soul arise
Speaking of Henry Ford’s purchase of a million dollars’ worth of city bonds, Controller Engel said; “He talked about buying those bonds exactly as I would talk about buying a sack of pe...
If he sunbeams will not start you… If the laughter of your babies you… Without little songs of gladness g… If their dancing doesn’t drive awa… If you don’t find happiness where…
Promotion comes to him who sticks Unto his work and never kicks, Who watches neither clock nor sun To tell him when his task is done; Who toils not by a stated chart,
JUST now I think I 'd like to be At the river’s brink Beneath a tree, And stretched out flat