#AmericanWriters #Modernism
beyond the brittle towns asleep beyond the brittle towns asleep i look where stealing needles of f… in the last light thread the creeping shores
when my love comes to see me it’s just a little like music,a little more like curving colour(sa… orange) against silence,or darkn…
goodby Betty,don’t remember me pencil your eyes dear and have a g… with the tall tight boys at Tabari… s,keep your teeth snowy, stick to… wear dark,and where your meeting b…
10 maggie and milly and molly and may went down to the beach(to play one… and maggie discovered a shell that… so sweetly she couldn’t remember h…
if there are any heavens my mother… one. It will not be a pansy heaven… a fragile heaven of lilies-of-the-… it will be a heaven of blackred ro… my father will be(deep like a rose
why did you go little fourpaws? you forgot to shut your big eyes. where did you go?
hush) noones are coming out in the gloam ing together are
i thank You God for most this ama… day:for the leaping greenly spirit… and a blue true dream of sky; and… which is natural which is infinite… (i who have died am alive again to…
the wind is a Lady with bright slender eyes(who moves)at sunset and who—touches—the hills without any reason
r—p—o—p—h—e—s—s—a—g—r who a)s w(e loo)k upnowgath PPEGORHRASS
Humanity i love you because you would rather black the… success than enquire whose soul da… watch-chain which would be embarra… parties and because you
my love is building a building around you,a frail slippery house,a strong fragile house (beginning at the singular beginni… of your smile)a skilful uncouth
between green mountains sings the flinger of fire beyond red rivers
who sharpens every dull here comes the only man reminding with his bell to disappear a sun and out of houses pour
love is more thicker than forget more thinner than recall more seldom than a wave is wet more frequent than to fail it is most mad and moonly