If a marriage doesn’t work out you get a divorce and look for someone else. If a poem doesn’t work out you put it in a folder and
The widow hires four men to rip out her lovely garden. She’s too old to weed it. All the roses will go to the young bride across
The scruffy old man and his white poodle on a long red leash were neighborhood icons years ago down at the corner
His wife takes him to dinner as she always does on his birthday wearing bright red lipstick, a color she detests but he likes.
Gramps knows a minister who collects classic Corvettes. He rents another garage whenever he buys another Corvette. He says his estate will sell the c…
After the poetry reading the lights go on and a lady under a big hat rises behind dark sunglasses and asks the poet why
She’s been making quilts for half a century and he’s been making poems that long as well and every now and then he brings a chocolate shake to her place
He likes people if they are useful. Women are useful. Employees are useful. Voters are useful.
World War II was over but still fresh in the minds of folks who li… in Bill’s hometown in the Ozarks. Independence Day was important. It called for a celebration.
Wally and Fred voted in the big election and then went to O’Leary’s Bar for a couple of beers. O’Leary’s is where men who work for the city go after every important election. Chicago ha...
In America we say we get the government we deserve. That’s been true for the past eight years.
I don’t know why my wife and I are up at four in the morning sitting in recliners drinking coff… staring at half-hour commercials claiming to cure everything
On Sundays Walter gives Pastor J… magazines to read along with comments on his sermons. The pastor loves the magazines but Walter is leaving for another…
The beauty of gray I never noticed until the other day I saw this mockingbird, a quiet beauty in gray,
Story in the paper this morning almost ruined breakfast. In a rural county far from where… the natives shoot stray dogs on si… In my city, an agency picks up str…