My mother always said my father was a little odd and she lived wit… all those years and should have kn… When we were small my sister and… knew he was different. No other fa…
When he was just a boy, they took him to the dump to scavenge, bits of metal, any food that might be eaten. When he became a man,
What will she do with him? That is, if she’s elected. She’ll have to take him with her to the White House after keeping him in the doghouse.
Were she here with me now, by the waist I would raise her, a chalice of wonder. I’d bellow hosannas and whirl her around,
Since kindergarten Darius and Cla… have ridden the same bus to school from the city to way out in the su… They’re the only black kids in 8th… Their schoolmates have welcomed th…
If smiles had echoes all the world would hear Grandma’s bouncing off the stars Donal Mahoney
On their 50th anniversary Sammy gave Dolly a necklace and told his darling wife that if they lived long enough one of them would wake
It’s midnight and I’m too tired to stroll in my Wall Street garden to check on the nightlife among the flowers
In two more hours I’ll have to sh… shave and coffee-prop my lids and otherwise prepare for day. It’… and now the barkeep, Griggs, is rushing me, the first
World War II was over but still fresh in the minds of folks who li… in Bill’s hometown in the Ozarks. Independence Day was important. It called for a celebration.
One, a nun, has her transfer in her hand. She’s silently praying. Another, a hooker, has her income in her purse.
In a yard abandoned this winter when the owner moved grass is growing this spring
It’s an old clock hanging on a wall in a small room on the third floor. We go up there
After the Spring rain a dove on a Dogwood branch preens like a starlet
We have something in common, a fellow I talk to now and then. We’re about the same age and perhaps the only ones in the diner who think our past lives are interesting. So when the two o...