When Bill goes home to the church of his youth he finds things are different. They don’t sing “Amazing Grace” the way they did when he was
On their honeymoon he asked her not to sit down. Might bruise the peaches. Donal Mahoney
The soup kitchen opens an hour late. The rain finally stops and the hungry file in. They’ve had a long wait.
It’s not de rigueur to believe he’s there behind the sun, the stars, the moon watching us
We’re troubled by the very rich we see only on TV and worry about the poor who sleep at night in doorways and in parks, the trul… with little more than the clothes…
When you have an hour to live what matters then is Christ in a pyx in the vest pocket
For years leprechauns lived under Pop’s fedora. They danced jigs on his head when he wore it and hid in his ears
She’s been making quilts for half a century and he’s been making poems that long as well and every now and then he brings a chocolate shake to her place
The amount in every paycheck has a period in it. Those who get a paycheck every week dream about seeing a comma three spaces in front of the perio…
When a man’s young, this work is hard but it pays well and he can feed the wife and kids.
Woman in a window brushing long hair madly screams at a little boy down in the street licking an ice cream cone
You were a little older than three the day your father taught you how to pee, standing up. Your father trumpeted your triumph and your mother laughed in the kit…
Been in trouble all my life childhood through old age. I took the alleys
Old Yoshiko in Tokyo can’t sleep because her husband snores so she sits in her kimono and eats a few rice cakes with a few sips of saké.
Evil without we worry about but not so much evil within, parent to evil without. Evil within, once called sin,