A minister’s son married a deacon’s daughter after a long courtship. It was difficult at times doing everything right
Many years ago Miriam’s parents took the kids for the weekend while she and Jack motored north to fish for trout in Montana at Miriam’s request.
Julie owns a cat that roams. Recently he’s been stopping at Jack and Brenda’s house where Brenda’s mourning her cat’s death. Brenda cries except when Julie’s…
Leaves on a Japanese Maple dance auburn in the wind remind me of that mother crossing Michigan Avenue before the light changes
Tonight I can’t sleep so I ponder the universe and all the planets around me swirling in syncopation with me on one of them
He likes people if they are useful. Women are useful. Employees are useful. Voters are useful.
It’s time to stop the killing by order of the courts. Time to stop the injections
There’s nothing wrong with you. We both know this is true but there’s something wrong with m… and you know what that is. It’s the elephant in the room
Dither of blue jays bickering at the feeder. Doves eat well below Donal Mahoney
Monsanto still has problems after the carnage caused by Agent Orange. People continue to decay. Monsanto’s Roundup
Technology is wonderful, especially in medicine, Elmo told Opal, the day their son Brett called to tell them the good news. The doctor had told Brett and Debbie their first child would ...
I don’t see her often since she died but when I do it’s eerie over there at dawn or dusk.
She’s been a widow a year now and at times she still misses him when she drives past the steak house where he
Fred and Martha have always voted the same way since their marriage long ago but not this time and Fred wondered why Martha was voting the other way
After Saturday tennis I came home took a nap and woke up dizzy had trouble walking. My balance was off so I went to bed and slept 20 hours