a senryu
twenty-four houses on the same block everyone inside milling about one lost a job
The old poet has agreed to read his poems in Hanley Hall if a student will push his wheelchair on stage. Agreed. And students must agree not to ask
The weather report the night before said a foot of snow maybe more, heavy and wet.
I turn the porch light on because it’s dark when I go out to find the morning paper. It’s still dark when I start back but when I’m on the porch I reach
There’s a moral to this story. Police in St. Louis have arrested a teen for felony auto theft. They asked her why she did it. She said the owners didn’t
Strong man Samson told Delilah seven locks of hair were the secret of his strength
Bill hates to go to parties but he loves to go to wakes. One of the advantages of being old, he says, is that there are fewer parties to go to but a lot more wakes. At parties he finds ...
“Quiet, please,” I tell her, “I want to hear the music.” She is sitting next to me again, this time on a paisley couch, a woman in a lime bikini I met
Linda’s on TV this morning being interviewed by someone who specializes in interviewing unusual people. Linda’s a smart woman but
A rainy Sunday and Pastor Smith is in his pulpit bellowing to the congregation, “I hope you understand
Ginny didn’t know if it was a large pond or a small lake in the middle of the beautiful park where she had been hired right after high school to help with maintenance of the grounds. No...
Let’s check the terminal and see what jobs might be available to match your skill set, the interviewer said. The young man
I found an old friend in a cardboard box in the basement where I left him forty years ago.
After all the tests and the doctor’s explanation she thinks of them not as 20 points of cancer but as 20 rusty nails
A small city on the outskirts of St. Louis has ordered Alice Hezel to pull the swamp milkweed out of her yard because the city says it’s a weed and weeds aren’t allowed in Maplewood, Mi...