Things reach a certain age, an age at which things don’t work the way they once did. The battery in your car,
Redbud and dogwood have blossomed above the tulips and jonquils wher… Alice’s house used to be. A possum and raccoon nose around where the garage was before the to…
What will she do with him? That is, if she’s elected. She’ll have to take him with her to the White House after keeping him in the doghouse.
We are to each other now many decades later what we were the day we got married, a couple at the kitchen table on
Smitty isn’t Schulte. He doesn’t drive a Cadillac and doesn’t hit his wife often any more. Schulte, on the other hand,
Through the nursery glass Carlos Montero peeks at Consuela, his twelfth, in the arms of a nurs… Pink as a peony with brilliant black hair,
Being out of work during the holidays is twice as bad and twice that’s happened now to Wally Ballew
Far from the city way out in the country a hot afternoon in high summer as we drive down a bumpy road bouncing one mail box past
A mountain man is Fillmore but there are no mountains where Fillmore lives deep in a hollow. He’s never had a job
Fancy spam emails I don’t mind nor the ones cobbled in broken English from someone who says he’s with a bank overseas
Julie owns a cat that roams. Recently he’s been stopping at Jack and Brenda’s house where Brenda’s mourning her cat’s death. Brenda cries except when Julie’s…
Two men tall, one from here and one from there, in raincoats at a bus stop,
Rose was a plain girl from a small town. She sang in the choir, never missed Bible study, left for the big city
An imam should say eternity lasts too long to sit by the fire Donal Mahoney
Simply because anchors have little to say means they’ll keep saying it till others believe. This is America.