Thirty years I’ve lived in Missou… with its major threat for an earth… So far no problems but experts say the big one could arrive any day. California’s lovely but with its q…
Beneath the bowling-alley bar marquee the rain tonight hammers off the concrete.
Mrs. Ryan keeps her cat inside at… but lets it out at dawn to go anyw… while she’s at work. Every day the… crosses the road to call on the Wi… Mrs. Ryan doesn’t know her cat ca…
Everyone who has money should drop it in a vat and anyone who needs money should take what they need a Swede, a Dane and two
Cookies for George, 40 years back from Viet Nam, are the only payment the man will accept to mow your lawn,
All that hair trapped in a braid silver to the waist Opal this morning nude in the mirror
Jesus, can we talk? Some folks say you’re coming back any day now but many of them have been saying that for years. They say it could happen tomorrow, or maybe next week, and they’ve al...
Happened 40 years ago senior year of college they were engaged to marry in June till he dropped her off
What if your parents had never met had never married had never yelled at each other
We hung suet out on the deck today hoping the wrens would come and stay the winter,
It’s a retirement haven for people with money but it works like a Roach Motel. People move i… but never move out. You and your wife move in to
During the day there might be three cars parked at different places anywhere on the block. But at midnight there isn’t
My wife’s amazed when I station myself at the computer writing this or that despite a hound dog
It boils down to this. There are two kinds of people in Upper Slobovia at the moment, those who prefer hard-boiled eggs chopped in their potato salad
He lives at the edge of a forest and loves all the different trees. He comes to the city for food and basic necessities. He hates the long drive