They got along fine lying down but sitting up or standing, well that was quite another thing. Talking made things worse. Lying down they found
The hands on the atomic clock upstairs finally stopped spinning. As you know, my dear, the hands have been spinning for two weeks. This morning the clock stopped
If the poor we will always have with us, then the rich we will have with us as well. Our system gives birth to both. Greed is part of man’s nature,
When will you understand it’s all about me. The world we live in whirls around my axis. Once you understand
When I was in grammar school I knew it was Wednesday when I looked out the window and saw across the street three trash cans at the curb
Someday you’ll be in bed dying like I am now and people you love and some you don’t will come by to say good-bye. They don’t know what to say because we’re all amat…
Mae mailed Christmas cards today, fewer again this year because death has made her address book a skeleton. She has a son in Russia
Where I live the press says teen use of heroin is epidemic. I thought an epidemic was a widespread disease afflicting thousands caught in
There’s a force that makes a boulder hard to push up a hill. And there’s always a boulder and always a hill when it comes to helping the poor find something
America has two kinds of migrants, those with money and those with hope, a farmer’s wife told me the day I stopped to buy some eggs.
No red kettles and bells this December outside the stores at the mall in our suburbs this year. They irritate shoppers,
Bill would come every Sunday to his mother’s house after a tough divorce. He’d bring his laundry for his mother to do and then he’d devour the roast beef dinner she always made for him....
Years ago my wife bought three wall clocks, atomic clocks they’re called. They require no batteries and you don’t plug them in.
On a sunny day in Harvard Yard blonde from Norway weds son of chieftain from Rwanda after
Jimmy was visiting his father when Mr. Crenshaw called to say Mrs. Bittles had died the night before of a sudden heart attack.