Tea in the afternoon with his wife of many years is usually peaceful, Hubert thinks before he makes his announcement. Then he says it. “I’m going upstairs,” Hubert tells Ruth as he hois...
A doctor by day Ralph spends his nights ordering tulip bulbs from Holland beautiful and rare
It may have been the devil himself who prompted the kids in my schoolyard back in 1947 to chant “Patsy Foley’s roly-poly from eating too much ravioli.” At first, no one could remember w...
It’s Monday not Sunday and the frail lady in black is the only person in the pews. She walked in with
First time seeing this doctor, a specialist. Took a month to get an appointment. The waiting room’s packed. I grab the last seat
Ralph never planned on dying but when he did, he was swept away like a child’s kite blown astray. When he arrived at his destination… he heard angels singing, harps pla…
When I was in grammar school I knew it was Wednesday when I looked out the window and saw across the street three trash cans at the curb
I look in the mirror and I’m not… Where did I go? I don’t know so I look around and see my wife with the dogs and kids. Not one of them sees me.
Should she write about the wonders of nature and say it’s okay to lie on the beach forever without any sunscreen
Wally and Fred voted in the big election and then went to O’Leary’s Bar for a couple of beers. O’Leary’s is where men who work for the city go after every important election. Chicago ha...
Melanie cried for hours the day a drunk driver ran over her dog a week after she had an abortion. She loved that dog so much she told her mother she knew
Walking in the forest as morning comes I hear piccolos of wrens and robins offer hymns to God
Pete’s never needed anything from childhood on. His parents had it all and gave it to him so it’s hard for him to understand why
We’re going dancing, my wife and… to a Charity Ball high in the sky… Glenn Miller’s band has been play… since 1944, the year his plane got… over the English Channel.
Autumn and the leaves, crisp in the swirling air, are pheasant wings once more Donal Mahoney