A bitter Christmas morning after a foot of snow last night. I shovel the sidewalk and make my way to the bird feeder. Before I can fill it, the wrens
The weekday Mass at 6 a.m. brings old folks out from bungalows around the church. They move like caterpillars
Used to be she’d tell him what to get at the grocery store and he always brought it back. Now she makes a list.
There are good souls who say poverty need not always be with us who say there’s a way to make it disappear
He wants to be fair to both sides because there’s an election coming soon so he tells his side every day
Thirty years I’ve lived in Missou… with its major threat for an earth… So far no problems but experts say the big one could arrive any day. California’s lovely but with its q…
Niagara Falls her silver hair so long it bounces off the swan
Lamentations loud amid the tears following Orlando. Another call to take guns from people
In the summer of 1956, any Saturday at midnight when the moon was full and the stars were bright, you would see Grandma Groth
Our house has a garret I never went up to until I retire… Now I’m up there almost every day unless I have to stay in bed until another spell passes.
Some day soon Wall Street giants will walk on their hands never sit or sleep. They will eat
A little boy from the city down on the farm for a day wanders away to look at the sheep and finds a bull
Some say none. Others say one. Some say three in one and then say one of the three
Dad, happy to see you’re taking a nap. I’m down at the pier so give me a shout when you wake up
Years ago my wife bought three wall clocks, atomic clocks they’re called. They require no batteries and you don’t plug them in.