Delmore Schwartz

Love and Marilyn Monroe

(after Spillane)
Let us be aware of the true dark gods
Acknowledgeing the cache of the crotch
The primitive pure and pwerful pink and grey
                  private sensitivites
Wincing, marvelous in their sweetness, whence rises
                  the future.
Therefore let us praise Miss Marilyn Monroe.
She has a noble attitude marked by pride and candor
She takes a noble pride in the female nature and torso
She articualtes her pride with directness and exuberance
She is honest in her delight in womanhood and manhood.
She is not a great lady, she is more than a lady,
She continues the tradition of Dolly Madison and Clara
When she says, “any woman who claims she does not like
                  to be grabbed is a liar!”
Whether true or false, this colossal remark
                  states a dazzling intention...
It might be the birth of a new Venus among us
It atones at the very least for such as Carrie Nation
For Miss Monroe will never be a blue nose,
         and perhaps we may hope
That there will be fewer blue noses because
         she has flourished—
Long may she flourish in self-delight and the joy
         of womanhood.
A nation haunted by Puritanism owes her homage and
Let us praise, to say it again, her spiritual pride
And admire one who delights in what she has and is
(Who says also: “A woman is like a motor car:
         She needs a good body.”
And: “I sun bathe in the nude, because I want
         to be blonde all over.”)
This is spiritual piety and physical ebullience
This is vivd glory, spiritual and physical,
Of Miss Marilyn Monroe.
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