Davin Mark

Total Honesty


We keep taking from the world, keep abusing nature, killing off the different spies down to each other, yet we say the world ain’t fair, when we find the pleasure in killing, stealing, abusing and forcing others to believe in whatever we believe in, when everyone has the right to believe in whatever they choose to, we as man kind lost sight of our true purpose, lost sight of the most high and his teaching, mankind now call themselves god, mankind now differentiate themselves by a cost, their worth, money became the true source of power, no longer man call out to the most high but rather cry out for the Benjamin, rather sellout out their own family, for the greed of money, even if they knew better, from the teaching of the Jesus and Judas, we refuse to learn, after all a man is only as important as the amount he earns. is this what humanity has came down to?
