The bloom was off the economic rec… “I just want to know one thing,” s… What was that one thing? He’ll ne… Because at just that moment he hea… Of broken glass in the bathroom, a…
For it was the first day of Rosh Ha’shanah, New Year’s Day, day of remembrance, of ancient sacrifices and averted calamities. For I started the day by eating an apple dipped in honey, a...
for J.A., December 3, 1975 Ashes that survive the aftermath o… Bury the past bravely, retaining Only those messages that are least… And therefore most desirable
Can’t swim; uses credit cards and… intolerable feelings of inadequacy… Won’t admit his dread of boredom,… numerous marital infidelities; Looks fat in jeans, mouths clichés…
If Ezra Pound were alive today (and he is) he’d be teaching at a small college in the Pacific… and attending the annual conventio…
He woke up in New York City on V… Speeding. The body in the booth n… Was gone. He had bought her a swe… Said her life wasn’t working he lo… You’re all bent out of shape, accu…
“My propositions serve as elucidat… anyone who understands them eventu… nonsensical, when he has used them… up beyond them. (He must, so to sp… after he has climbed up it.)”—Ludw…
The fear of perjuring herself turn… Admission of her guilt. Yet she h… And the luck to elude her implacab… God was everywhere like a faceless… Death was last seen in the auction…
The sky was a midnight blue velvet cloth draping a birdcage and no moon but the breeze was whistling and the sound of a car
Ithaca, October 1993: Jorie went… tear, wanting to look like a moll in a Chandler novel. Dinner, cons… and one part lime juice cordial, w… There are, she said, poems that ca…
Eighty-one degrees a record high f… which is not my birthday but will… the eleventh of June comes around… what I want: a wide-brimmed Panam… with a tan hatband, a walk in the…
The old war is over the new one ha… between drivers and pedestrians on… in New York light is the variable… the content according to Rodrigo… self-portraits at the Robert Mill…
Don’t walk away, Renee, I’m just getting warmed up your body is like a river and I’m going to swim across I want to explore the left
The longer I stare the lovelier you look in my eyes (so made such mirrors and spies) and I’m not don… yet as I enumerate the virtues of your smile, gracious in defeat,
Light rain is falling in Central… but not on Upper Fifth Avenue or… where sun and sky are yellow and b… Winds are gusting on Washington S… through the arches and on to LaGu…