slippery bars make it hard to hold… captive against your will always lathered in the sweat of es… you elude any sentence
two mountains hanker to reach across the valley always between them
what she says has gravity a truth that pulls you closer to t… brings your feet to meet the earth… in your own shoes and see that the toe is starting t…
THE ARTIST constantly trying to get somewhere he
the way mom and aunt kim would get… when the video would come on mtv i thought “that’s the life for me” singing for the working class
if you dream me dream me without these horns without scorn back beside the lord
i search each second find words under rocks and rugs looking for poems
a man must find his way to live in the world a poet must find his way to let the world live
i drag this carriage with a whip at my back slowly leading them to their destinations to their privileges
it is not just missing the good times slamdancing in a circle pit with your best buds at a rock show blacklit basement parties
he left behind a loving wife three children many close friends and the best damn dog this side of… sadly
i know that you miss me we were happy together and i don’t ever want you to forget i want to always be there
the Buk used to write about the va… hanging around the downtown Los A… looking around the library here on 8th & Rio Grande i think
sometimes a vampire wants to see t… but people of the village keep his… chained shut with garlic they wear crosses around their nec… so that if he ever does get out
the anticipation was staggering be… rifling through the closet for tha… a faded Misfits tee and my black leather jacket but the shows were always a disapp…