Danny Price

She Stole This Song

i have to take my fair share of the blame
loved this song
from the moment i heard it
and shouldn’t be surprised
that she loved it too
i played it for her
a hundred times if i played it once
i left it just sitting there
almost begging her to take it
so that years later
on a night like tonight
i could mix it
with bittersweet thoughts of her
i have to take my fair share of the blame
in the end
i got what i wanted
being her victim
it made for good
singer/songwriter material
from a less than objective perspective
and hell
i ain’t gonna lie
she was pretty
i have to take my fair share of the blame
so when i tell you
she stole this song
it’s really not true
truth is
i gave it to her
like a gift
but i wanted it take it back
and couldn’t
you can’t take back a song
but as i sit here tonight
i have no regrets
no resentments
this is me saying
i’m glad she got to keep it
this is me saying
i hope she still enjoys it
as much as i do

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