that is another man’s suicide if i kill myself there will be hookers
the songs that have been played as it’s neck was tickled and it’s belly was rubbed those at the pawn shop have nightm… of too much Beatles
our savings accounts cry out for m… but we only have so much to give coins jingling away in the pocket a few dirty fives in the wallet the shelves are in need of grocery
submerged so deeply in abysmal woes of self he makes his last choice
decorated in soft skin vines of fire drape around her fireproof face my eyes kneel in worship of a goddess passing by
all of my weary and all of my woe is made into perfect sense a common thread in my favorite son… familiar tones of sadness the beauty of malaise
the only boss i care to listen to on Labor Day
watching horror films on vhs with gramma saturday nights
i knew i should not have unwrapped… but my will is weak at the beckon… so i took off your dress and let y… a bursting fruit flavor supplement… made everything else go away
every doughnut tastes like tauntin… classmates laughing and making jokes at your expense every slice of pizza reminds you
plenty more on that beautiful head of hers she’ll never even know it’s missing
what she says has gravity a truth that pulls you closer to t… brings your feet to meet the earth… in your own shoes and see that the toe is starting t…
black shirts worn at day they spoke mostly of music bonded by the odd
darkness does not pass suddenly nor does the light surrounding it though her love was a shadow i reticently remember hints of a star
i drifted onto your shore a withered vessel the skeleton of a ship torn sails draped over masts like dead bodies