walking down the path that leads t… from 15th street i pass the same pothole that was t… twenty-two years ago as black and as deep as it was
in the final moments of dusk you r… a last grab at redemption to no possible avail toward a jury of stars and the judgement of the moon
she broke up with him because he broke her oscillating f… on a 107 degree day in the Texas s… with one angry punch he destroyed the fan
after a day surrounded by philisti… a not yet broken poet takes refuge in the familiar peace of desolatio… echoing quietly through two small… years ago this song came to him
the darker the room the more I needed her she was scented with tobacco and cedar
put a million miles between me and… shoes worn away from the journey i will arrive with toes calloused feet stained in earth and legs swollen
my body is not a temple it is more like a corner bar in Wisconsin kneeling
he came out of the New Orleans shadows first went the grocer and
a $5 footlong at Subway before a meeting on Thursday Burnin’ For You came on the speak… i wanted to call you
an unfinished puzzle can easily bl… but somewhere out there is a piece convinced that it is the rest of the puzzle that…
it’s there when nothing else is but the radio and a near crippling… it climbs around on the walls and… hissing like a poisonous lizard th… you cut the tips of your fingers a…
he does not to leave the vine out of any loathing for his kin he simply can not stay waiting around to turn to raisin knowing that out there somewhere
we wait under a black umbrella beneath the branches of a silhouet… for clouds to be chased away by th… snarling jaws of light
it opens with a violin slowly bowing its premeditated plo… stalker lurking in darkness waiting for a victim to stroll by the verse comes out quick
when the rest of the world seemed… and the invisibility of god was to… i turned to a puppet a stuffed brown dog i had named Gr… i confided in him earnestly