where every man has gone before and i don’t think i’ll be too far… but still it’s too bad that we couldn’t make… it’s too bad that we ever fell fro…
everyone’s eyes are filled with what could have been some girls are alone others accompanied by lovers all waiting for their names to be…
fallen from the nest mother bird leaves me to die never to take flight
joyless carnival merry-go-rounds of a troubled mind the amusement of fright and despair
tired of her obsessions insatiable outbursts of self dragging her around angst smothered mornings culminating into nightly carnivals…
voices spread through the room like butterflies or wildfires inspiring some to try a new way of thinking
it’s been so long without a touch lips pressed deeply against mine fingers brushing through my beard… i have reclaimed my virginity bumbling and nervous in the presen…
i think of drinking with the moon but Li Po already did that hundreds of years ago among the petals of China i think of walking alone into a di…
shame of the ocean is the fish that crawled on land evolved to destroy
time is one my side but what time is it? is it Killing Time?
the fast foot of gloom quick through labyrinths of joy always catches up
if you dream me dream me without these horns without scorn back beside the lord
panic is my dance partner and
sound becomes idea phenomenon of music as to hear a soul
Eclipse was the illegitimate daugh… of the moon and the sun beautiful and frightening shining and dark all at once