incredible love making will turn wolves into pups bears, cubs again and icy hearts melt to a puddle
dawn is a coffin stars take their graves in morning come night, resurrect
in the name of what whispers we sing softly the final song of the end of the w… as a lullaby to each other and minor melodies pass over our l…
i can smell a clue about as well as a rock and if you’re waiting for me under a rock
i followed the pigeons to Gordon park just to hear them coo their electric feathers alive in the sun
i saw atrocity and deceit upon the… blood spilling down its jagged cli… tragedies unbound scaling the peak i tried to warn others not to climb this vicious monster
visceral were the nights we stood… each of us armed with an instrumen… and hearts that beat like tempos we put on a show but we weren’t put-ons
tailored finely to be worn proudly on the dance floor on the moon over top-shelf martinis over the rainbow
to reach for the pen only when you need it is a mistake you must reach for it everyday eventually it grows familiar with…
Charles with his typewriter and bottles a bluebird held hostage in his hea… all the women he wanted all the jobs he didn’t
I like to pretend in alternate uni… where everything is almost the sam… just different in a few spots under another sun the two of us worked
my knee is there if i need to bend my leg my knee is not there for me to beg if you place an empty plate in fro…
watching horror films on vhs with gramma saturday nights
sometimes the butterfly is afraid to leave the cocoon that its wings are too bright that it might be shunned by caterpillars
squandered precious gifts laid down for worthless fortunes when men turn soldier