every song smoking drinking partying with
joyless carnival merry-go-rounds of a troubled mind the amusement of fright and despair
Tricia Wozniak went missing on No… 1987 walking home from Arey Elementary first there were signs all over town
fallen from the nest mother bird leaves me to die never to take flight
i search each second find words under rocks and rugs looking for poems
if you dream me dream me without these horns without scorn back beside the lord
i am the one most concerned with popularity found my way into castles to meet with kings and queens crashed parties with celebrities
all of my weary and all of my woe is made into perfect sense a common thread in my favorite son… familiar tones of sadness the beauty of malaise
Sue lurks near my street I have thoughts of kissing her but fear to commit
every doughnut tastes like tauntin… classmates laughing and making jokes at your expense every slice of pizza reminds you
at odds with the sky I have rid myself of every feather and with my beak i have chewed off… of my wings if i am to see my dreams die
I cannot be cast under any moon, upon any soul. If not for her,
tired of her obsessions insatiable outbursts of self dragging her around angst smothered mornings culminating into nightly carnivals…
watching horror films on vhs with gramma saturday nights
in my timber heart her kisses became axes clearing a forest