there once was a drop of water misplaced in the ocean that was meant for something more never belonging with other drops lost at sea
dressed only in screams showered with water and death life escapes by drain
i dream of a world ruled by art where the letters that come in the mail are written in fingerpaints and tornado sirens sound off to th…
an unfinished puzzle can easily bl… but somewhere out there is a piece convinced that it is the rest of the puzzle that…
in my timber heart her kisses became axes clearing a forest
my knee is there if i need to bend my leg my knee is not there for me to beg if you place an empty plate in fro…
i think about her at least once every day i think about all the different st… that i could take to get to her ho…
Winds sweep through the branches,… Observe the satellite of my howlin… Lunar intoxicant swims deep into m… From man I am transformed.
i don’t believe anything i read unless it’s a poem
it was the hottest new spot on the east side of course and of course
for wars not fought and battles not waged axes that fell from the hands of warriors
when his jam comes on one second in an electric burst hits his gut he pulls his shoulders upright bites the left side of his bottom…
it is not just missing the good times slamdancing in a circle pit with your best buds at a rock show blacklit basement parties
as her eyes broke open most of it washed away in a dry wave of consciousness there were a few drops left near the corners of her botto…
the blade has always been dull how it was made never