bills soaring like birds costs of living get higher income, falls from nest
some nights I talk to them because i have no pets and i am alone i make promises “tomorrow we will go for a walk”
i followed the pigeons to Gordon park just to hear them coo their electric feathers alive in the sun
i’m writing this to you my friend because the last time i said goodb… it was passive i thought for sure we would be
on a good day a poem is just a death threat to e… on a bad day it is a love letter
I keep coming back just when ya think “there is no
he keeps it bottled for days like these vintage destinies rush toward the… breaths of dead fruits inhale deep… and he drowns himself in their req…
she dances like a fool at the idio… gracelessly fueled by cocktails and
she broke up with him because he broke her oscillating f… on a 107 degree day in the Texas s… with one angry punch he destroyed the fan
it was a particularly long day walking around in the Austin heat with too much on my mind i’d avoided the drink though it seemed to call for me fr…
we fly down the highway looking for the next bar open on C… we each do a line and head on in flirt with lonely girls and take bumps in the bathroom
after nineteen years she thinks of him as a fart something to air out
it destroys the essence of the poe… stricken with the stink of human no art can cover the foul odor generic mac&cheese flatulated
loading the chamber to kill that which he fears most one round will suffice
in third grade i confessed to my c… i didn’t know who Joe Montana was because i didn’t watch football the boys were quick to emasculate… and i was ready to punch their lig…