Dan L. Murphy

Familiar With A Cauldron

Copyright by Dan L. Murphy
TheDuck.com/username DLMcomics
Fire, and a cauldron...
Familiar with it, too
Witches ingredients
For potion and brew:
Cat’s eye, Bat wings,
Rat-tail, too...
Hog ear, Froglegs,
Spider in the stew...
Snake skin, Fish fins
Bub-a-lin’ soon...
Cauldron gettin’ hotter
Familiar with it, too
Chant it!, Chant it!
Potion and Brew!
Chanting, enchanted
With familiar stew!
Chant it!, Chant it!
Potion and Brew!
Familiars are familiar friends
That never even knew!
Chant it!, Chant it!
Potion and Brew!
Familiars are familiar...
No matter what they do!
Chant it!, Chant it!
Potion and Brew!
Familiars are familiar with it
But, now, they’re in the stew!


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