Very Ist Limerick
In the deep-blue chill of morning Along the shallow bays of time Came the Spirit of the Yesterday With its haunting, melancholy, rhy… It flows upon Remembrance Shore
I decided to write a sad love poem… the usual kind, it would lack the… passion, emotion, love, tenderness… betrayal, moonlight, midnight, sta… dreams, remembrances, and longing.
A few hours Into the day’s renewing A light goes on And the coffee’s brewing The alarm goes off
Like waves of the sea, The grain fields moved, Grasping the ambulant eye. In this place of the beaver, The lumberjack and weaver;
I think it was just before Winter When the change took her away. Yes— I think it was then, not sur… That Fall left the forest, to sta… She stepped from the trees for a m…
The iron gates screeched, as they… And ghastly shapes found their way… An old hag, dressed in a hooded cl… Cracked her whip and gave orders t… Six ghosts bound in chains, groani…
Let’s have a taste of the whiskey Let’s have a taste of the Ale Let’s have a taste of a Lass’s li… Before we set to sail ————————————————————-
“Blackbird, Blackbird, what’s the… “Caw, Caw,” was all he said Then he flew upon my head. “Blackbird, Blackbird, go away For on my head tis no place to pla…
The morning’s Sun peaks From behind black faced skylines That wait to be seen. Then the Rooster crows In hopes of waking others
There’s so much to gain Too much to lose Our power brokers Are singing the blues So we can’t allow
Each time the end and beginning co… When the Omega and the Alpha are… Each path you are on will have its… Then forever it will be wrapped in… They say the road of life has many…
The sign says “No Parking– AT… And yes, that means it is a crime. To ignore it and say, “Stick-it”,… Pay attention, and believe that st… No, the sign didn’t say, “You’re…
The Shepherd said to the falcon, “Fly little bird.” The falcon said to the Shepherd, “If only I could, by thy word.” “But I have a broken wing
Wind-chimes dancing in the breezes Composing tunes to the many gusts… I would like it to be, But really, I cannot see That this winter is going to be my…
Hig-ah-la-digly, round and wiggly, Curles, dimples and apple pie, Running ‘round the running rooms, Connecting with all, that aren’t s… Hig-ah-la-digly, round and wiggly,