D. Thurmond   Aka  Jef (James Everett Falcon)

Together, All Alone

Seated on a bolder
In the midst of Yellowstone
Reflecting on a Geyser
And a Bison, all alone.
Tis my place to unwind the springs
and let the cogs relax a while
In and among these wondrous lands
With a campground sort of style.
The Bison and I are not the same
Though similarities do exist
He has no pressing business plans
And the ones I had, I missed.
So, we both reflect on the day’s events
While moseying,— roundabout.
But tonight, he’ll have grass for supper
And I’m thinking, “I’ll have Trout.”
He wanders about and chews his cud
And I lounge with a protein bar.
It’s peanut-filled and vitamin-packed
So I should easily make it back to my car.
Just another day of reflection,
Another bolder to sit on,
Another day for examining life
Out in the great unknown.
Old Faithful blows its top
And a hundred people, “Ohhhh!”
They take their pics on Selfie-sticks
Then, to another site, they go.
But I stay seated on my bolder
In this place called Yellowstone
Reflecting on what life’s about
In my newfound Bison zone.
No Wi-Fi,
No laptop,
No phone.
D. Thurmond / JE Falcon

Other works by D. Thurmond Aka Jef (James Everett Falcon)...
