Very Ist Limerick
In the morning mist the sky was ki… With tiny sparks from a wooded rod The power was shy, those sparks to… Not like the power from the hand o… Those magic places in those mystic…
The old woman was knitting, seated… The afternoon was warm and the gar… Then she closed her eyes so memori… And her knitting found its way to… Suddenly, a cougar appeared from t…
On a mighty steed dressed for batt… Rode the Knight of a Thousand Ey… In a silver suite of armor fashion… From the lightning bolts within th… Then from the night came the Shad…
A few hours Into the day’s renewing A light goes on And the coffee’s brewing The alarm goes off
In the silence of moonbeams thoughts pass to calm so, falling is seldom heard upon the clouds I ride on D. Thurmond / JEFalcon
We are ripples On never ending lakes Like a crystal Too finely made, that breaks. We are mortal
I am put upon and drained Up in the Willow’s highest branch… So, I linger in the shadows of it… However I shall never render blame
The whirlwind drifts across the snow like a dancer Stirring up confusion as it twirls The children chase along
There’s a melody that fills my sou… And it plays upon my mind, The tune is soft and always full, But words for it I do not find. A soothing song to ease my woes
While gliding down that last great… Comes the shrill voice of the Fal… And the soul reaches out for a com… Called the Weave of the Dreamer’s… Not so long had the spirit fled
There’s a little white church at t… And it’s next to a park in “Goose… The park isn’t much, just some gra… And an old wishing well, if wishin… There’s a story that’s told about…
Well, have you seen this Irish St… The finest stud in all of Kerry? Who furrows field and doesn’t yiel… And never seems to want to tarry. A Clydesdale legend, so he’s call…
Wildflowers on sandstone Roses in a field Water with kindness Behold— the yield. Clouds cry with blessings
Legends— Stories— and Fairy-tales Windblown ships with clouds for sa… Hummingbirds——in Hives——like bees And ghostly pirates on the seven s… Wicked Witches and fairy godmothe…
In the dark of night Came a flickering light, Like a candle haloed in green. The light looked odd, In the shape of a cod,