Dani Davis

Time bomb heart

Ticking straight at the start
I came out screaming
Red haired
Grey eyed
In a blood bathed battle cry
And so far I've fought through 30 years of wars
With myself
Ex lovers that came before
And still I waver at a crooked smile
Mismatched eyes
Hiding snake tongue dripping lies
Of all those guys
That come like knights on white horse
And I the fool hinking how many I’d leave with a divorce
See as much of a black heart bitch I might of been
Using the fact I was a dominatrix like it’s a sin
That I was but a chameleon
Cause I used my broken shrapnel filled heart
And changed my skin when my world feel apart
Broken and bold I still wore my heart on my sleeve
Thinking not how guys would deceive me
But how I cat fished them
With make up
And cool girl attitude
With a photogenic body
All I thought about while they tried to bang the hottie
Was how broken they would be
If they actually loved me
So I laid myself on the line
Ticking going on time and time
But see the problem with a bomb is one day it will go off
And through bloodshed and crying eyes
The hurt I was left with for every guy
When this ticking time bomb heart does burst
I hope it’s for love not again lust
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