Dani Davis

This blood

This blood...
Is blood iv spilled.
Blood ran cold,
Over times I’ve frozen in fear.
Panic taken off.
This blood ran warm for lovers.
Blood you spilled,
When you hurt, hit, betrayed me.
This blood is my heritage!
Royal lines of linage,
This is my DNA.
My coding?
My signature!
That I sign,
Handing down...
To my children,
In time.
This blood...
Is what I give willingly away,
To people who need it.
Unwillingly taken from me by a man.
This blood spills from me!
When I cut or hurt myself.
When I floss my teeth.
And have a monthly visit,
From mother queen.
This blood,
Is my life fuel.
This blood,
too much blood spilled...
Waiting for fools like you...

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