Dani Davis


No face to place a name on
my niece or nephew
not here
but gone.
Your mum, my sister
mourns you terribly.
To her you where more then just a heart beat
Little feet and tiny toes
Why must you already go?
Your big sister,
is so silly now
she’ll be two in august
when you where due to come to us
now you lie at peace
our love
with nan
high above
this dreadful world
our soft skinned soul
for you this world too bold.
Sleep tight aingeal,
knowing your family never let go.
sleep tightly a chuisle,
your mama still searching for you,
sleep soundly ár gcroí
One day we’ll meet you, know you are not alone.

aingeal -angel
a chuisle - darling
ár gcroí - our heart

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